Subscriu cu totul la comentariul cu " Imi pare rau ca am petrecut 5 nopti acolo". imi pare rau ca nu am tinut cont de el si celalalt comentariu pozitiv m-a derutat, facandu-ma sa presupun ca nu o fi chiar asa de rau...
So, the location is incredibly far away from the rest of the village, even for such a small place.
Pensiunea Maria is next to nowhere, near the fishing hut from the shipwreck of Costinesti, on an yet unpaved road. This means no shops, no restaurants, and a lot of walking when you are most tired and hungry. I think there are only a couple of touristic buildings which are even further away - Pensiunea Andra and Sophia and a bigger blue one who looked uninhabited.
The "seaside view" rooms face the smelly fishing nets which lie about almost all day long. In the night the street lights are but a couple and the stray dogs are always ready to bark at the tourists, being used to getting the food left from the kitchen. Since the prices match the distances, the food is available on previous order, which is uncomfortable and determined us to skip this option.
The building is also unpractical, small yard, rusty patio furniture, small balconies and almost no way of properly drying the towels. The bathrooms have no windows and the air conditioning is available only with an extra fee - imagine the joy. The furniture was cheap and barely hanging on, even though it looked not very old: the bed squeaked and shaky, the TV table made us afraid the TV would fall down. The walls were thin and one of the nights we couldn't sleep until 1 o'clock because some other people were talking in their room.
We did not feel at all like home and the owner made sure of that, by being always present along with a bunch of the personnel at the front door to count the goings in and out and to show an unappreciative face almost all the time. I felt as if she was concerned that we would wear off the tiny carpet or the stairs - what a bundle of joy!
We were treated rudely all the time and the only benefit to that was that we planned to stay out as much as we could to avoid the obnoxious atmosphere - but this is no way to behave in the industry of tourism! And the price per night/room is bigger than at other villas, we were very happy to move after a few nights here. Also the owner asked for the payment in advance - which made us be stuck there for the number of nights booked at the beginning, even though we hated the atmosphere.
So, I do not recommend this kitschy and unpractical place, with evidently a very unfriendly vibe. Almost ruined a couple of days from our holiday.
Pentru lamuriri romanesti, autorul nu recomanda aceasta pensiune, din motive de distanta fata de punctele de interes, zona pustie cu caini semivagabonzi si miros de plase de peste, nepracticalitate si atmosfera neprietenoasa.
Intregul Costinesti de altfel se sprijina exclusiv pe plaja si mare, in rest avand probleme grave cu curatenia si calitatea obiectivelor din localitate. Mai sunt cateva pensiuni mai mici facute mai cu gust sau simt practic, dar per total nu se poate suplini mizeria de pe plaja, mancarea sub orice critica si atmosfera de debandada si prost gust. Pacat! Plaja este foarte ingusta, iar locurile mai late sunt aproape complet luate cu japca de cei care inchiriaza sezlonguri... afaceristii locali probabil, si ei varianta si mai proasta a celor de odinioara. Nu merita sa mai incercam sa revenim in Romania pentru cate o vacanta, nici macar de dragul vremurilor de altadata.
Trimis de fauxlivia* in 05.07.11 21:17:31
- Nu a fost singura vizită/vacanţă în COSTINEȘTI.
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- Coordonate GPS: 43.96104900 N, 28.64521390 E - neconfirmate încă
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@fauxlivia, bine ai venit pe site, n-ar fi rau daca ai si traduce cele scrise in articol, fiind un site romanesc cu cititori romani, cred ca ar fi corect ca limba utilizata sa fie romana. Daca traducem noi, este posibil ca anumite expresii sa nu fie redate intocmai cu ceea ce ai vrut sa detaliezi si s-ar pierde ideea, de aceea te rog tradu-ne tu.
Pe de alta parte la data sejurului ai trecut ianuarie 2011, probabil ai uitat sa setezi luna. Care a fost aceea?
Desi nu am reusit din pacate sa obtinem colaborarea autoarei, am hotarit sa publicam review-ul, setand data sejurului la 'IUNIE 2011' (cea mai probabila; reveiw-ul a fost trimis din zona Timisoarei, cel mai probabil de un cetatean roman stabilit in Yeovill, Anglia, intors temporar in tara pentru a-si face vacanta aici)
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